Learn more about starting an apprenticeship later in your career.

Continuing our #NationalApprenticeWeek2023 journey, we sat down with Adam Hewson, who joined Fairline in August 2022 on our carpentry apprenticeship programme.

Adam has had a varied and interesting professional and personal life. From travelling the world with his wife to working as a porter in a hospital, Adam talks us through how he found himself craving more opportunities to learn, and why Fairline seemed the perfect fit to pursue the next step in his career.


1)    Can you give us a bit of background about what you were doing before you joined Fairline?

Directly before Fairline I was a delivery driver, which I had been doing since I was 21, so a good 17 years! Before that I dabbled in furniture fitting and even worked as a porter in a hospital; I thought I would go into the healthcare area and wanted to be a nurse for a while, but the potential to earn good money and have an active and varied job as a delivery driver piqued my interest.


2)    What attracted you to pursue an apprenticeship?

I’d always wanted to enter a trade, but also felt there was too much to do to get into it and never ended up getting round to it.
I like working with my hands and being on the go, so carpentry seemed like a great option for me; not only do I feel there is something beautiful about objects or buildings that are built solely of wood, but I also like that it is a sustainable, renewable raw material. You can do so much with wood and be proud of your finished pieces.
When my wife and I moved out of London I felt I was finally in a position where I could justify a reduction in pay during an apprenticeship, which had not been possible with the cost associated with London living. I know this short-term reduction in finances will set me up to gain skills to benefit my career for years to come in a trade I really enjoy.

3)    Why did you choose the Fairline apprenticeship?

I have family that works in the trades and there are some parts of carpentry that I wasn’t sure appealed to me. However, the fact that Fairline is building boats and a bit more niche than, for example, the construction sector, was really appealing as I was apprehensive that carpentry may be monotonous but so far the variety has been great!   
The assessment day was also set out really well which further sparked my interest in the company – it wasn’t a typical interview and gave us a chance to get to know each other, as well as showcase our skills and personalities in a more natural setting than a one-on-one interview. I met people there who are now also on the apprenticeship scheme and I genuinely class them as friends as well as colleagues.
The college days are great – I think most people might think I’m one of the teachers there! I’m a lot older than many of the other students, but I really enjoy those days, too.


4)    What has been your favourite part so far?

Finding a love for learning again – I read in my spare time but being in an education environment again is really enjoyable. Here at Fairline it is like a classroom environment and we’re learning everyday – there is almost a ‘curriculum’ and our apprentice masters, John and Andy, know what skills they want us to learn day-to-day and ensure we are always learning something new.
I also get on really well with all of the other apprentices – I’m 38, there are a few in their late 20s and Ellie is 18; it is a male dominated environment, so it is nice there is a mix of ages and genders.


5)    What would you say to anyone else looking to pursue an apprenticeship later in their career?

Do it! I’ve been in a very lucky position personally. The main concern is ensuring it is financially viable for you and your personal circumstances, but it is certainly short-term trade-offs for longer term gain and to earn more and enjoy your career more in the long run.


Thanks to Adam for taking the time to speak to us about his experience and sharing more about how apprentices can work for people at various points in their career.

If your personal circumstances allow, undertaking an apprenticeship later in your career can bring many benefits, as well as a huge sense of fulfilment if your previous career choices haven’t been exactly what you’re looking for.

We’re launching our new Apprenticeship Programme for 2023 this week, so keep checking in to our updates and share with those who would like to start an apprenticeship working with a quality product and learning from experts within their field.

For any questions around the Fairline apprenticeship scheme and our partnership with Tresham College, please email hr@fairline.com