Fairline is an equal opportunities employer. It is committed to equality of opportunity and to following practices which are free from unlawful discrimination.  We aim to ensure that no person receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance, for which the Company has a zero tolerance policy.  We also seek to ensure that no person is victimised or subjected to any form of bullying or harassment.

We actively support diversity, equity and inclusion and ensure that our workforce is valued and treated with dignity and respect.  We want to encourage everyone in our business to reach their potential.

There is a place for everyone at Fairline. Check out our current openings and apply today. 

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

As per UK legislation that came into force in April 2017, employers with more than 250 employees are required to publish annually their gender pay gap information.  The gender pay gap shows the difference in average hourly pay between women and men.

The data below shows our mean and median hourly gender pay gap as at the snapshot date, 5th April 2022.  At that time, we employed 410 people, of which 31 were women and 317 were men.

Statutory Data

Mean and Median Pay
  Mean Median
Gender Pay Gap 27% 32%
Bonus Pay Gap 56% 31%
Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Men 93%
Women 76%
Proportion of Employees in each Pay Quartile (%)
Quartile Men Women
Upper 97% 3%
Upper Middle 98% 2%
Lower Middle 97% 3%
Lower 74% 26%

We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our business. 

The reason there are 26% of women in the lower hourly paid quarter is due to the majority of our labour being hourly paid boat builders who attract a productivity bonus (and those trades, including engineering and carpentry are largely male-dominated trades). Those women in the lower quarter are salaried support staff who weren't eligible for receiving such a bonus, which affected overall earnings.

The above is also the reason why the mean and median pay gaps are so high and why more men than women received a bonus (as the majority of men employed are hourly paid and therefore eligible to recevie a productivity bonus). 

Ultimately, the above differences are down to the gender make up of our workforce due to the industry in which we operate. 

Declaration: I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Jane Gadsby, HR & Services Director, Fairline Yachts Ltd.